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The AcceleRacers series debuted in 2005 alongside a film series of the same name and was commonly available across the US, Canada, and Europe. It consisted of four subsets (Teku, Metal Maniacs, Racing Drones, and Silencerz) of nine models coinciding with the teams shown in the films. Vehicles of this lineup were designed with "track performance in mind" and were "uniquely proportioned to have a low center of gravity". Some plastic-bodied variants of this series were painted with an Anodized coat, giving them a metallic finish unobtainable by other methods. Blister packaging was ribbed to obscure six-digit laser-etched base codes that unlocked downloadable bonus content on the website and playable vehicles in the online multiplayer video game, Realm Champion.

Four motorcycles were initially planned to have debuted under each subset (Nightlife, Jaw Jammer, RD-07, Magnesium), making 40 models total (10 castings for each sub-series), but went unreleased due to the aforementioned focus on track performance. This 2004 developmental change is reflected in the Toy # and Col. # sections displayed below. Two of these AcceleRacers motorcycle concepts, Airy 8 (formerly Jaw Jammer) and Hammer Sled (rejected in favour of Magnesium), were later released in the 2005 and 2006 mainline lineups due to being Design Team favorites.

Several patent images and descriptions[1] [2] were registered in late 2004 through 2005 that depicted several key elements and omitted features from the series design process. Multiple parts of the Racing Drones subseries blister cards were planned to have been partially encrypted in a 'coded language' that corresponded with characters from the English alphabet.

Teku Teku[]

Teku single packs were released in the following 1/64 scale versions:

Series # Name Year Toy # Country Photo (Loose) Photo (Sealed)
1/9 Reverb 2005 G8095 Malaysia Reverb-a S-l1600-1528936974
2/9 Drift Tech 2005 G8096 Malaysia 2005AcceleracersDriftTechOrangeSpoiler DriftTechc1
3/9 Synkro 2005 G8093 Malaysia 2005SynkroOrangewing Synkroc1
4/9 Chicane 2005 G8091 Malaysia HW ACR Chicane Chicanec1
5/9 Battle Spec 2005 G8088 Malaysia Battle Spec-2005 AcceleRacers BattleSpecc1
6/9 Power Rage 2005 G8087 Malaysia 2005PowerRagecommonvaration PowerRagec1
7/9 High Voltage 2005 G8089 Malaysia Teku High Voltage HighVoltagec1
8/9 SpecTyte 2005 G8092 Malaysia Spectyte 2005 24 SpectyteFactory
9/9 Bassline 2005 G8094 Malaysia Bassline - 05 Teku Basslinec1
N/A NightLife 2005 G8090 N/A Image Not Available Image Not Available

Metal Maniacs MetalManiacs[]

Metal Maniacs single packs were released in the following 1/64 scale versions:

Series # Name Year Toy # Country Photo (loose) Photo (carded)
1/9 Power Bomb 2005 G8103 Malaysia Power Bomb AcceleRacers 2005 CM5 Power Bomb 2005 Blister 24
2/9 Piledriver 2005 G8104 Malaysia Piledriver 2005 24 Piledriverc1
3/9 Flathead Fury 2005 G8102 Malaysia Flathead Fury 2005 24 Flathead Fury 2005 Blister 24
4/9 Rivited 2005 G8099 Malaysia 08042011366 Rivitedc1
5/9 Hollowback 2005 G8097 Malaysia Hollowback - 2005 Acceleracers Hollowbackc1
6/9 Rollin' Thunder 2005 G8100 Malaysia Rollin' Thunder RollinThunderc1
7/9 Spine Buster 2005 G8106 Malaysia SpineBusterG8106-CM5 SpineBusterc1
8/9 Rat-ified 2005 G8101 Malaysia Rat-ified-2005 AcceleRacers Series CM5 Rat-ified 2005 Blister 24
9/9 Jack Hammer 2005 G8105 Malaysia Jack Hammer GldR Jack Hammer 2005 Blister 24
N/A Jaw Jammer 2005 G8098 N/A Image Not Available Image Not Available

Racing Drones RacingDrones[]

Racing Drones single packs were released in the following 1/64 scale versions:

Series # Name Year Toy # Country Photo (loose) Photo (carded)
1/9 RD-01 2005 G8107 Malaysia 86247180 tp RD01c1
2/9 RD-02 2005 G8108 Malaysia Rd02-black-cm6 RD02c1
3/9 RD-03 2005 G8109 Malaysia RD-03 Black RD03c1
4/9 RD-04 2005 G8110 Malaysia DSC00001 RD04c1
5/9 RD-05 2005 G8111 Malaysia RD-05 RD05c1
6/9 RD-06 2005 G8112 Malaysia Rd RD06c1
7/9 RD-08 2005 G8114 Malaysia 100 1176 RD08c1
8/9 RD-10 2005 G8116 Malaysia RD-10 Acceleracers Racing Drones RD10c1
9/9 RD-09 2005 G8115 Malaysia 100 1177 RD09c1
N/A RD-07 2005 G8113 N/A Image Not Available Image Not Available

Silencerz Silencerz[]

Silencerz single packs were released in the following 1/64 scale versions:

Series # Name Year Toy # Country Photo (loose) Photo (carded)
1/9 Octainium 2005 G8122 Malaysia Octainium-0 Octainiumc1
2/9 Nitrium 2005 G8118 Malaysia Acceleracer Nitriumc1
3/9 Anthracite 2005 G8125 Malaysia Anthricite-silver-cm6 Anthracitec1
4/9 Iridium 2005 G8119 Malaysia Iridium-silver-cm6 Iridiumc1
5/9 Carbide 2005 G8117 Malaysia Carbide Carbidec1
6/9 Covelight 2005 G8120 Malaysia AcceleracersCovelightmc Covelightc1
7/9 Accelium 2005 G8121 Malaysia AcceliumAR Acceliumc1
8/9 Metaloid 2005 G8124 Malaysia AcceleracersMetaloidmc Metaloidc1
9/9 Technetium 2005 G8126 Malaysia 2005accrtechnetium (2) Technetiumc1
N/A Magnesium 2005 G8123 N/A Image Not Available Image Not Available

Track Sets[]

Name Toy # Country Notes Photo
Slam Ram HyperPod G8149 China Slamr1
Caterpillar HyperPod DLX G8159 China CrawlerHyp
Walker HyperPod DLX G8160 China Climberreg
Dragster HyperPod DLX G8161 China RocSoc
Drone Sweeper G8162 China Sweep1
Swamp Beast Track Set G8175 China Asb1
Collectible Card Game Starter Set G8728 China ARStarterSet
AcceleDrome H3618 China AcceleRacers AcceleDrome Track Set
Carpoon HyperPod H7611 China Carp5
Dual Driller HyperPod H7612 China Duald1
Stratothruster Unreleased 2005catalog2


See Also[]


