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Armageddon is a movie that came out in 1998 starring Bruce Willis (as Harry Stamper) and Ben Affleck (as AJ Frost) who are on a mission to save the world from impending doom of an asteroid on its way to collide into the Earth, annihilating it. To save the world, the worlds leaders put their differences aside and put all the resources together to send astronauts out into space, plant a nuclear bomb into the asteroid, and blowing it up before it destroys the planet. The time ticks fast in this Action pack Summer of 98 Movie.

The back of each Hot Wheels Armageddon Package says it best

Arma text

With the movie coming out, Hot Wheels made a small line of toys for the feature focusing on Action Sites, Deluxe Models, and Deluxe Action Figures.

The following sets was included in the Armageddon series:

Action Figures[]

Highly detailed figures with many changeable positions and a weapon included

A.J Frost Harry Stamper
8 deluxe figures aj frost
8 deluxe figures harry stamper

Action Sites[]

Playsets that included a vehicle, small figurines, and a base for the action to occur. Vehicles are one 1/64 scale.

Drilling Unit Explosion Zone Space Station
Action sites drilling unit
Action sites explosions zone
Action sites space station

Deluxe Vehicles[]

1:24 Scale of the Iconic Vehicle in the movie

Armadillo Space Shuttle
Deluxe armadillo
Deluxe space shuttle

Planet Micro sets[]

Mission #1: Shuttle Launch Mission #2: Asteroid Drill Site Mission #3: Space Station
Armageddon Planet micro 2
Armageddon Planet micro

