Baywatch is a television series that debut in the early 90s. The show itself focused on the daily lives of heroic lifeguard characters who patrol the beaches of California. In it's highest peak, Hot Wheels released some sets based on the Baywatch series in 1995/ 1996.
Below are the toy sets that went with the Baywatch theme
Sto & Go[]
A Baywatch set appeared in the Sto & Go series as a fold-able Lifeguard Rescue Station (65625)
Casting Name | Color | Tampo | Window Color | Wheel Type | Photo |
Path Beater | Yellow | Baywatch logo on Hood, Black, Red " "RESCUE" & "Radio Dispatched", "Emergency Support Vehicle" | Clear | CT | |
Helicopter (Baywatch) | Yellow | Baywatch Logo & "Baywatch Lifeguard" | N/A | N/A | |
Life Boat (Baywatch) | Yellow | Baywatch Logo & "Baywatch Lifeguard" | N/A | N/A |
Baywatch 5-Pack[]
Casting Name | Color | Tampo | Window Color | Wheel Type | Photo |
Trailbuster | Bright Orange | Yellow & black tampos, "Rescue", "Baywatch" | Tinted | CT | |
Propper Chopper | White | Black, yellow & red tampos, "Baywatch", "Search" | Black tint | N/A | |
Surf Patrol | Yellow | Black & red tampos, "Baywatch", "Rescue" | Tinted | CT | |
Rescue Ranger | Red | Black, white & yellow tampos, "Baywatch", "Emergency" | Smoke | 7SP | |
Suzuki Quadracer | Yellow w/ black seat | Red "Baywatch" on rear | N/A | Yellow CT |