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This casting was designed by Larry Wood in 1984 for the 1985-86 Flip Outs Carded Series. The casting had two names in the series. They were Flipper Snapper and Road Flipper. About 1990, this casting was released in the California Customs Series with a modified metal chassis and was called Firebird. In 1997, it was renamed Camaro Wind and this has become the name most used for the casting by collectors.

Despite what the name suggests the casting actually uses a Pontiac Firebird body.


The Camaro Wind has come out in the following 1/64 scale versions:

Col # Year Series Color Tampo Base Color / Type Window Color Interior Color Wheel Type Toy # Country Notes Photo
1990 California Custom Bright Yellow Bright Orange, White, Blue "3" "GOOD YEAR" on wing Unpainted / Metal Chrome None 2104 TW Malaysia Named Firebird Camaro Wind AGENTAIR 2
1993 Color FX 2-Pack Pink "1" and Hot Wheels logo on side Black / Metal Black None 11044 BW Malaysia Named Camaro Racer Camaro Wind AGENTAIR 5
1994 Racing Team 5-Pack Chrome plastic Hot Wheels logo on hood Black metal Black None 1631 BW Malaysia Camaro Wind Crm
599 1997 Mainline White Yellow, Orange, Red, flames on sides & hood Unpainted / Metal Pink Chrome None 18551 LW China CamaroWind white

