Captain America is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Created by cartoonists Joe Simon and Jack Kirby, the character first appeared in Captain America Comics #1 (cover dated March 1941) from Timely Comics, a predecessor of Marvel Comics. Captain America was designed as a patriotic supersoldier who often fought the Axis powers of World War II and was Timely Comics' most popular character during the wartime period. The popularity of superheroes waned following the war and the Captain America comic book was discontinued in 1950, with a short-lived revival in 1953. Since Marvel Comics revived the character in 1964, Captain America has remained in publication. Captain America wears a costume that bears an American flag motif, and is armed with a nearly indestructible shield that he throws at foes. The character is usually depicted as the alter ego of Steve Rogers, a frail young man enhanced to the peak of human perfection by an experimental serum to aid the United States government's imminent efforts in World War II. Near the end of the war, he was trapped in ice and survived in suspended animation until he was revived in the present day. Although Captain America often struggles to maintain his ideals as a man out of his time with its modern realities, he remains a highly respected figure in his community which includes becoming the long-time leader of the Avengers.
This series celebrates 75 years of the popular American patriot.
The Captain America 75th Anniversary Series features 8 different models that were launched in April 2016.
Col # | Toy # | Casting Name | Represented Decade | Body Color | Wheel Type | Notes | Photo 1 Loose | Photo 2 Card |
1/8 | DJK79 | '40 Ford Coupe | Captain America '40s | Light Yellow | White 5SP | Base code(s): | ||
2/8 | DJK83 | '70 Ford Mustang Mach1 | Captain America '60s | Dark Red | White MC5 | Base code(s): | ||
3/8 | DJK77 | Sir Ominous | Captain America '80s | Metalflake Light Blue | Chrome Red OH5SP | Base code(s): | ||
4/8 | DJK81 | RD-08 | Captain America '00s | Dark Blue | White OR6SP | Base code(s): | ||
5/8 | DJK76 | Rivited | Winter Soldier | Metalflake Black | Gold PR5 | Base code(s): | ||
6/8 | DJK78 | '57 Plymouth Fury | Avengers | Metalflake White | Chrome Red PR5 | Base code(s): H50 | ||
7/8 | DJK80 | SpecTyte | Bucky | Metalflake Light Blue | Chrome Red PR5 | Base code(s): | ||
8/8 | DJK82 | Qombee | Red Skull | Red | Gold & Black PR5 | Base code(s): H50,
J03 |