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The Cargo Lift was a Europe-only release. It was a repurposing of the Hiway Hauler casting with a bed and two pieces of large cargo. This casting was used twice and was then discontinued.

This casting is given the alternate names of "Fracht-service" (lit. "freight service") in German and "Trasporto Bagagli" (lit. "baggage transport") in Italian.


The Cargo Lift has come out in the following versions:

Year Series Color Tampo Base Color / Type Window Color Interior Color Wheel Type Toy # Country Notes Photo
1983 Mainline Yellow, detailed horns None ZAMAC Clear Black BW 4703 France Came with two white semicircular pieces of cargo, only available in France Mainline Land Lord Cargo Lift Yellow with Two Containers France 4703
1983 Mainline Yellow, detailed horns None ZAMAC Clear Black BW 4703 France Came with one white semicircular piece of cargo, only available in France Mainline Land Lord Cargo Lift Yellow with One Container France 4703

