Color change Car Wash was made for Italy market and includes a exclusive Porsche 959 Without tampo as a Color Changing Automagic car.
For ages 5+ [ not for infants 36months up to 5yrs]
- Drive car into the flooded road and watch the "dirt" appear! Now drive your car clean again through the push button car wash ! It's magic!
- Fais passer la voiture sur la route "inondée" et regarde les trãces de "boue" apparaître! Ensuite, fais-la passed dans le lave-auto pour la nettoyer! C'est magique!
- Fahre den Wagen in die überschwemmte Straße und beachte die "Verschmutzung". Jetzt in die Waschanlage, die Taste betätigen, und schon wird das Auto wieder sauber. Wie durch, Zauberei !
- Guidate l'auto nella via inondata e guardate apparire lo "sporco"! Poi guardate ritornare pulita passandola attraverso il lavaaggio! Sembra una magic!
- Rijd je auto de onder water gelopen straat in en zie hoe het "vuil" erop komit! En nu met je auto door de wasstraat (met drukknop) on hem schoon te krijgen! Het lijkt wel tovenarij
==Includes assembly required==</nowiki>
- 1 Car
- 1 Sticker sheet
- 2 traffic signs
- 2 Car Wash signs
- 2 ramps
- 1 gas pump
- 1 vacuum station with sign
- 6 wash arches
- 1 entrance gate
- 2 options signs
- 1 figure
- 2 foam side roller sponges
- 1 Hanger / Roller sponge roof
- 1 water dispenser
- 1 hanger dryer strips
- 1 staff building push button car wash
- 1 base playset water reservoir
- 1 road way water puddle + water collection containter
Cars Included[]
Porsche 959 No tampo Exclusive