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F/X Stunt Team Logo

F/X Stunt Team was a series of Hot Wheels vehicles released in 2000. These vehicles come with "charges" that can be loaded into the bottom of the vehicle, then when the car gets in a head-on collision the car will "explode".

Vehicles Released[]

Casting Name Body Color Tampos Base Color / Type Window Color Interior Color Wheel Type Country Toy # Photo
Mega Ton Truck Silver Metalflake "X Stunt Team" Logos, Red / Blue Stripes on side.

Dark Grey  / Metal

Tinted (Black) Orange 5SP China 28809 FXStuntteamMegaTonTruck
Mine Blower Orange Yellow Flames, Cautions Stripes.

Dark Grey  / Metal

Tinted (Black) Orange LW China 28812 Image not available
La Bomba Green White and Blue Stripes, Military Star, Nuclear Symbols on side, Red/Yellow/Brown logo on hood.

Dark Grey  / Metal

Tinted (Black) Green 5SP China 28811 Image not available
Boom-Boxer Purple Yellow / Red Design on Side, Yellow / Red Target on Hood, Yellow flames on spoiler.

Dark Grey  / Metal

Tinted (Black) Orange LW China 28808 Image not available
Cannonball Cruzer Black Orange Explosion On Hood, Red / White Graphics on Side.

Dark Grey  / Metal

Tinted (Black) Black 5SP China 28807 CannonBallCruzer
Kaboomerang Blue Yellow / Red Stripes on side, Yellow Stripes on hood.

Dark Grey  / Metal

Tinted (Black) Orange 5SP China 28810 Image not available
Path Blaster Green Metalflake "TNT" on Door, Yellow / Red Graphic on side, Checkered Flag on rear fender.

Dark Grey  / Metal

Tinted (Black) Orange 5SP China 28805 Image not available
Sandblaster Red Yellow / Black Jagged Dash Design on hood and side, "EToffroad" logo on rear fender.

Dark Grey  / Metal

Tinted (Black) Orange 5SP China 28806 Image not available

