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Released in 2009, the HW Designs Series featured 10 Hot Wheels Castings that have no licensing restrictions since they all were designed by Hot Wheels Designers.

Toy # Col. # Casting Notes Series # Photo
P2417 097/190 Nitro Scorcher 1/10 Nitroscorcher
P2418 098/190 HW40 2/10 Hw40
P2419 099/190 Hyper Mite 3/10 HW Hyper Mite
P2419 099/190 Hyper Mite 3/10 2009 -99 HW Designs 03-10 Hyper Mite orange
P2420 100/190 Deora II 4/10 2009 Deora II - 6578df
P2420 100/190 Deora II 4/10 Deora II - 09 HW Designs Copper
P2420 100/190 Deora II Walmart Exclusive 4/10 Deora II - 09 HW Designs Purple
P2421 101/190 16 Angels 5/10 2009 16 Angels
P2422 102/190 Fast Fortress 6/10 Fastfortress
P2422 102/190 Fast Fortress 6/10 Fastfortress.light
P2423 103/190 Ballistik 7/10 103 Ballistik
P2424 104/190 Pony-Up 8/10 Ponyup design gold
P2424 104/190 Pony-Up 8/10 Ponyup design purple
P2425 105/190 Scorchin' Scooter 9/10 2009 Scorchin' Scooter Purple
P2426 106/190 Overbored 454 10/10
P2426 106/190 Overbored 454 10/10 Overboard 454 Yellow
  • See Also
  1. Hot Wheels Design Series
  2. Category:Hot Wheels Design