Megaforce is an action film made in 1982 directed by former stuntman Hal Needham. Mattel released a special series of Hot Wheels cars that corresponded to the movie that same year; all were made in Hong Kong. The vehicles in the movie were designed in collaboration with Mattel. Only the Megadestroyer castings were actually new; the rest were either retooled or repurposed from previous releases. All castings with the exception of the Tac-Com would see further rereleases under different names. All castings feature copyright information pertaining to a "North Shore Investments, Ltd."
Not to be confused with the 2013 season of Power Rangers, Power Rangers Megaforce, which had its own Hot Wheels line of Character Cars.
Toy # | Model Name | Color | Tampo | Wheel Type | Notes | Photo Loose | Photo Carded |
5268 | Megadestroyer 1 | Tan | Brown and black lightning bolts | BBW | New casting | ||
5269 | Megadestroyer 2 | Black | None | BBW | New casting | ||
5270 | Personnel Carrier | White | Red stripe on sides, red camper shell | BW | Tan interior and bike | ||
5270 | Personnel Carrier | White | Red stripe on sides, red camper shell | BW | Chrome interior and bike | ||
5271 | Megafighter | Tan | Red and brown patterns | MFMOTO | Never produced | ||
5272 | Battle Tank | Olive | Light green and tan camouflage | MW | |||
5273 | Tac-Com | Tan | Orange and dark brown lightning bolts | BBW |